In the field

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sit-in with Lydia - P2 kid, stealing case.

"Do you know why you are here?"
"We are not here to scold you.. we're here to find out more and see how we can help you."

Ask specific questions..
"He hit you? Which part?"
"He scolded you? What words did he use?"
"You want to change friends? Change to who? How are you going to tell her you don't want to be her friend?" And then affirm her when she gives good ideas.. "I think that's a very good way!"

I liked it that Lyd put across the hard truth to her.. I think I'd have difficulty telling her that she has to bear responsibility for stealing even though it was done out of peer pressure. And also in telling her that it seems like her friends make use of her and then wriggle themselves out of trouble.

You know, she said this girl pressured her into doing it and then ran off.. I'm wondering if we should also engage this girl. How important is it at this point? I don't know, but for all we know, she might also have gone round pressuring other kids to do it.


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