In the field

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Day 17 @ Care Corner 27 May '06 - Prep work for Family Day

What a week it had been! The frustrations, the thinking, the talking, the laughter and the work. Won't say I enjoyed every single minute of it, but it was a good learning opportunity.

Let's see..

What I was frustrated about..
At certain points, it seemed like whatever WP and I could think of would never match up to expectations and our ideas would never be used and what we did would just be nullified into non-existence. Ok, the last part is an exaggeration.

Anyway, while I'm aware that this is the real world, I'm just as thankful that this is only placement - it's ok to make mistakes - we don't bear the brunt of it. Oops. Having said that, I'm thankful both WP and I are responsible and we do try to think through before we do/propose ideas and I'm extremely thankful for gracious supervisors as well.

At certain points, I was also worried about not being able to work well with WP. But that was pretty unfounded - we are actually quite complementary to each other! She's like the nice, patient and gentle one and I'm the one who can be caustic at times. So I just decided to shut up. (Note to self: a cool head and a warm heart go well together, not the other way round.) She conceptualizes and I try to put it down on paper.

I was also frustrated about budget constraints - I believe in "yi fen qian, yi fen huo". Spend good money on good stuff. A social worker who earns $2000 a month on a 5-day week, 8-hour day basis, is worth $12.50 every hour. Every hour wasted is money wasted.

Like WP, I realised I can be individualistic at times. I love working alone or working with a team that has got synergy.. you know, when there's a certain team spirit, everything clicks. But of course, not every team is like that. That's idealistic or perhaps naive thinking. Anyhow, I do appreciate that CC has got a strong team going! I could see that at the last moments of preparation, everyone really came together to make things happen. This cannot be taken for granted or overlooked! I agree with SK that everyone worked very hard to make things happen. From sending brochures to schools, to selling tics, to making posters, designing banners, conceptualising games, layout etc. I must say I respect boss for getting involved in mundane stuff like cutting paper.. I don't think everyone in her position would do that. Back to my point, I had to remind myself to expect changes and flow.. to remember that my way ain't necessarily the best way and to humble myself and learn!

In the end, after all the frustration, I remember Ms Sudha Nair saying a true social worker is a community worker. Hmm.. I wondered if I'm at all suited to do community work.. I think it comes with some fun and more frustration. Dr Maliki said it's very hard work but "satisfaction guaranteed". I shall see.

Also, tagged to the "community worker" label, comes a few other portfolios - salesperson, administrator, finance manager, accountant, marketing executive, art director, supervisor, public relations officer, events manager, human resource manager, banner-designer-cum-painter-cum-poster-maker. In other words.. to quote what Paul says.. "be all things to all men".

Woohoo, can I make the cut?

What I loved...
The logistics!! And the thinking through for what we need. I thoroughly enjoyed the packing process and putting things down into concrete balck and white stuff and to have each item accounted for.

I think this whole Family Day prep also helped WP and I to work closer together and to count our blessings (and frustration) together. She's really even-tempered and patient. Amazing.

The selling of tics at the primary schools!! The kids are adorable like crazy. The cutest boy I saw must be the one from KC, this little guy with curly, afro hair who claims he's American. He might be African-American. He's reallllyyy cute!!

It just really showed me that networking is important. Having good relations with organisations in the community is so important - facilitates so many things, and in a way, makes things happen.

And ya, expect last minute bombs.. people who say they'll turn up but never turn up, people who promise but cannot deliver etc. But also expect to meet the nicest people who try to realise your vision. The CC people were really incredible! The advice they dispensed.. the help they rendered. During that one short meeting, I really felt that they involved themselves in this thing with us.

Got my results! Thankful that my cap didn't drop. I can still confidently say I'd continue with honours. Got A for agency planning, B+ for mental health and B for urban youth.. the grades really reflect the amount of effort I put in. It's really comforting. To see that whatever I sow, I'd always reap. Yes, I'm on my way to a master's. Ya I'll be a siao za bo with a master's deg. Don't know how the money part will materialise yet though.

(More about the actual Family Day.. To be continued..)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. WELL DONE for agency planning! hehehe. (: and, yep yep! let's work towards the master's goal! lol! and, hmmm... like what you said, God sees, and we will reap what we sow! it's inevitable that we experience some frustrations along the way, BUT, let's KEEP "SOW-ing"!! ^^ hee.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Ling said...

Hey Bec!!

It's so comforting talking to you! Let's keep going and ya, be on our way to a master's deg. Yay, maybe one day we'll publish some research paper together.. hehehe. You keep going too!

11:24 PM  

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